Complaints Procedure

Complaints and Compliments

The doctors and staff at the practice are totally committed to giving you the best possible service at all times.

There may be occasions, however when you wish to express concern or dissatisfaction.

We cannot deal with matters of legal liability or compensation at surgery level – these matters must be directed to the appropriate bodies.  What we do offer is an ‘In-House Procedure’ to try and bring about a mutually satisfactory conclusion to your grievance.

Our aim is to deal swiftly and efficiently with your problem.


All complaints will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence.

Please try to put your complaint forward as soon as possible.

It may be possible to deal with minor problems as they occur by speaking to a member of staff.

If your problem requires more attention, please put your complaint in writing or ask to speak to the Practice Manager. 

 Complaints should be made within 12 months of the date of the incident.

The Practice Manager will deal with all complaints in the first instant.  However, should your complaint be related to a clinical matter, then your complaint will be handled by a nominated doctor.



The Practice Manager acknowledges your complaint within 3 working days of receipt.

A full response will be provided within 10 working days of receipt of the complaint. Parties will be kept informed of progress.

Complaints of a more serious nature will be fully investigated by the Practice Manager and a Partner.  Parties will be kept informed of progress.



The Practice Manager acknowledges your complaint within 3 working days of receipt.

Clinical complaints will always be fully investigated by a nominated Partner.

A full written reply will be given in due course or you may be invited to meet with the nominated Partner for an informal discussion. 


If you are pursuing a complaint on behalf of a third party, the Practice must have written permission from that party to allow you to proceed. 

Their consent must be received before you act.


We hope that your problems can be resolved quickly and efficiently and that a satisfactory conclusion can be reached by using our own Practice-based Complaints Procedure.

However, it is possible that you may feel unable to complain directly to the Practice and wish to have your complaint handled by an ‘independent body’.


In these circumstances, you should contact:-

NHS England

P O Box 16738


B97 9PT


Telephone      0300 311 2233


Violent or Aggressive Behaviour

We operate the NHS Zero Tolerance Policy to safeguard both our staff and patient welfare.
Our Team will always show due respect and courtesy when dealing with your concerns and in turn, we would request patients to reciprocate in the same manner.
Any form of aggression, either verbal or physical, will not be tolerated and may ultimately result in patients being removed from our practice list.