Forms and Letters Policy


The NHS provides healthcare for those who are ill, or may be ill, and to prevent ill health. Sometimes an employer or another agency may suggest you “get a note from your doctor” for another purpose, but this is not always possible and will usually require payment as the NHS does not pay GPs to do this work.

This leaflet explains a bit about what we do and do not provide and an indication of the level of fees (if any) that are payable. Please see the list in reception for our current charges.


· Please allow a minimum of 1 week for these forms & certificates to be completed (excludes Fit Notes and Private Sick Notes which are done more quickly)

· Any fees are payable in advance of any work done and reflect not only the complexity of the work done, but also the responsibility attached

· The lists below are not exhaustive. Please ask reception if you need help.


🗹 Fitness to Work Notes (Med3)  FREE

(Commonly known as sick notes, officially called MED3 certificates). These are ONLY issued for illness lasting 7 days or more and ONLY for the purposes of sick pay or benefits. For sickness lasting less than 7 days, we are not obliged to issue Fit Notes.

🗹 Other Statutory Certificates required by Law or Referral Letters FREE

Referral letters to hospital, secondary care and other healthcare providers, whether NHS or private and some benefits application forms.

🗹 Private Sick Notes £

If your employer or employment contract requires a sick note for less than 7 days’ absence, we can supply one with your written permission.

🗹 Statement of Fact or Confirmation or Provision of Medical Information     £ to ££

Occasionally a patient is required to provide evidence of some medical or clinical fact, for example, confirmation of vaccinations, medical condition, aspect of clinical record etc.

🗹 Travel Cancellation and Insurance Claim Form ££

We are happy to complete travel cancellation forms if we have been attending you for medical conditions for which we have advised that you cancel or postpone your holiday. We will also complete insurance claim forms.

🗹 Fitness to Travel ££

We are happy to provide confirmation of fitness to travel in uncomplicated cases, where this is required. For confirming level of pregnancy or the need for particular medication, a note from the doctor is not usually required – repeat prescription slips or antenatal records may be accepted by your airline.

🗹 HGV,PSV & Taxi Driver Medical Examination £££

These require a long appointment, please make sure you tell the receptionist which medical you need so that she can book the correct appointment for you. Fees are payable in advance.

🗹 Other Medical Examinations £££

Some medicals, e.g. for employment, fitness to travel, insurance require a more detailed examination. Our fee will reflect this. Fees are payable in advance.

🗹 Medical Records £

You have the right to view your medical records. Please make your application in writing to the Practice Manager. You may have copies of your records. A fee is required for photocopying.

🗹 Medical Report £variable

We will provide medical reports on written request from employers. Such reports are provided on the basis of our role as the patient’s family doctor only and not from a professional occupational perspective. Should such a report be insufficient for your employer’s needs, we recommend that they seek the advice of a qualified occupational health physician.

🗹 Vaccinations £variable

We provide travel vaccinations and certificates. Please ask reception for current fees.

🗹 Seatbelt Exemption Certificate £

Drivers and passengers may be exempted from seat belt wearing on medical grounds; however such circumstances arise very rarely and each case is decided on an individual basis by the GP, who may refuse to issue one after carefully balancing the risk of death or serious injury against the reason for seeking exemption.


Character References for Interview or Job

We do not provide these.

Job Placements for Students

We do not provide these.

Fitness for Exercise or Gym

We encourage all our patients to exercise as it is generally very good for you and is an excellent treatment for many common conditions. The risk that harm would come to you by exercising is low, however we cannot say that it is 100% safe for anyone to exercise. As such the risk is entirely between you and your gym instructor, following the guidelines at your particular gym.

Housing Letters

Sheffield City Council does not require GP letters when you seek housing or rehousing, even on medical grounds. Therefore, we do not provide such letters. If you believe it will assist your application, we can provide you with a printout of your medical record.

Missing a Court Appearance or Probation Letters

We do not provide these unless we have been personally directed to provide such a letter by Court Order. Your solicitor can advise you further.

Missed or Deferring Exams, Schooling or University Letters

There is no obligation on GPs to provide sick notes or letters for educational institutions. It is a responsibility of the parent or student to provide this information. For missed exams, usually the school can request special consideration. For school exams, please see the Joint Council for Qualifications website at and look for “Access Arrangements and Special Consideration”.

Benefit Appeals Letter

GPs are not responsible for making decisions on peoples’ benefit entitlement; accordingly, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) already has processes in place to request the appropriate information from GPs to enable DWP to make such decisions.

Recording Injuries for Police or Insurance Purposes

In the case of an alleged assault, a police surgeon (forensic medical practitioner) must assess and document injuries. This is not an NHS service and we are not trained to do this work to the standard required for the courts.

Likewise, attending the surgery merely for documentation of injuries from a road traffic accident is not an NHS service, and is not appropriate, despite what you may have been advised by other parties.

Acting/Performing/Modelling certificate for Children 

We do not provide this service.

Approval of Dieting

We do not recommend any diets that are non-physiological, e.g. extremely low calorie diets or diets that consist of only one foot type. A healthy diet in conjunction with regular exercise is the only diet we recommend and this does not require a letter of permission from the doctor.

Fitness for Parachute Jumps, Mountaineering, Ballooning, Triathlon, Running, Cycling

We cannot advise on fitness to partake in dangerous or extended sporting activities such as parachute jumps, mountain climbing etc, as this is outside our field of expertise and not part of the NHS service. Please ask your instructor or trainer about any concerns you have regarding safety for these activities. If you believe it will assist you, we can provide you with a printout of your medical record.

Fitness for Diving

Diving medicals are a highly specialised area of medicine, and your diving instructor can advise you how to find a suitably qualified doctor to assess your fitness to dive. It you believe it will assist you, we can provide you with a printout of your medical record.

Fitness for Procedures, Operations or Dental Work

It is the responsibility of the professional or organisation carrying out the work to determine for themselves whether you are fit for any particular procedure or operation, minor or otherwise. We cannot provide any guidance or authorisation for the professional or organisation concerned. If you believe it will assist the person carrying out this work, we can provide you with a printout of your medical record.

Witnessing Signatures or Confirming Identity

This can be carried out by other non-medical professionals.

Passport and Driving Licence Endorsement

We do not provide this service.

Shotgun and Firearms Certificates or Medical Reports

We do not provide medical reports for the purpose of firearms applications due to a conscientious objection. As an alternative, you can give the police your consent to request a full copy of your medical records from us, if they are prepared to make their own assessment of your records. We also understand that the organisations MedCert and ShootCert check medical records for firearms and shotgun licence applications and that the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) may also be able to assist you with your application.

Will-Writing (Testamentary) Capacity, Power of Attorney & Court of Protection

Testamentary capacity is a highly specialised area of medico-legal practice with important implications for the patient and their family. Therefore, we recommend that your solicitor seek an expert opinion, for example from a consultant psychogeriatrician.

Last updated 18/11/2024

(With thanks to Ivy Grove Medical Centre)