Health Advice

Often you may need advice or treatment within 24 hours but do NOT need to go to the Accident & Emergency department. Using other services instead of A&E can often help you get the advice and/or treatment you need quicker.

For more information regarding accessing urgent medical treatment across Sheffield please follow this link

Managing Minor Illness

There are a wide variety on minor illnesses that can be dealt with by self-care or following advice from your local pharmacist or the NHS 111 service without the need to see a GP.

Your pharmacy may be able to help with:

● Mild skin conditions (such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, athlete’s foot)
● Coughs and colds, including blocked nose (nasal congestion), and sore throats.
● Bruises, sunburn, and minor burns and scalds.
● Constipation and piles (haemorrhoids)
● Hay fever, dry eyes and allergies (including rashes, bites and stings)
● Aches and pains, including earache, headache, migraine, back pain and toothache
● Vomiting, heartburn, indigestion, diarrhoea and threadworms
● Period pain, thrush and cystitis
● Head lice (nits)
● Conjunctivitis, cold sores and mouth ulcers
● Warts and verrucas
● Nappy rash and teething

Visiting your pharmacy about common health problems frees up time for GPs and A&E departments, which are already stretched, especially during the winter months.

More information about your health is available by following the links below